Tuesday, March 31, 2015


#tuesdays #faces #stories

 I look into faces, seeking their stories.

What stories do these  FACES  tell you?


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Beyond Craft

#tuesdays #writing #wordcraft #wordmagic

On writing: "We are talking about tools and carpentry, about words and style...but...you'd do well to remember we are also talking about magic."  --Stephen King

Saturday, March 21, 2015

A "Total Re-Looking"

#travel #broad-mindedness

Mark Twain said that travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness... What another good rationale for travel!


Take a quick virtual trip. Travel offers a mental Total Relooking.

Monday, March 16, 2015

On Wordiness

#verbose #terse #quantitative

Lost in translation...or gained?

Because of my interest in words and languages, I often get lost in arcane considerations.

Trivia which you may have been dying to know:

Different languages often require different numbers of words to express the same thing. This table of percentage increases and decreases of number of words needed, as compared to English, is intrinsically interesting to me. It also can be useful in planning such things as advertising and publishing layouts. Finnish allows the most concise expression of the languages on this list, with French, German, Italian and Spanish shown as the most verbose.

Source: Financial News 11Jul11 p. 27


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Pixar's 22 Rules

#fiction  #novel  #theme

I would like to have the 22 rules printed in color and affixed to a storyboard by my desk. At first glance #3 struck a chord with me. After five drafts of my manuscript, I have stepped back for a few weeks to just consider my story's concepts. No writing allowed. I came across this list of 22 and at first glance, #3 jumps out at me. Yes. It's true that I now understand what my theme is--what the story is actually about. For the next complete rewrite I will write to that theme.
